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Our Program

The New York Minimally Invasive Surgery Difference

Weight loss surgeries, such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, offer the best opportunity for significant and lasting weight loss. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all procedure. Our process is designed to help you find the surgery that best meets your individual needs.

Steps To Become a Patient

  • Watch our online seminar

  • Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kurian

  • Ask us about your insurance coverage or financing options

  • Schedule your treatment or surgery with us

  • Learn about our continuing support and the lifestyle changes you’ll make to reach your goals

Watch Our Online Seminar

This is your first step to learn about the weight loss surgeries offered by Dr. Kurian and New York Minimally Invasive Surgery. Our seminar covers when surgery is an option, the benefits of bariatric procedures, post-surgery diet, and more.

You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of our weight loss process, including discussions on the most common procedures: gastric band, sleeve, bypass, gastric balloon, and revisions. This informative seminar will answer many of your questions about our approach to weight loss surgery.

Schedule An Appointment

When you’re ready, contact New York Minimally Invasive Surgery to schedule an initial consultation. We’ll discuss your expectations for bariatric surgery and your current goals, review your health history, past weight management efforts (including exercise, diets, and medications), body mass index, and any health conditions that may impact the surgery.

In some cases, surgery may not be suitable, and we’ll also outline post-surgery care, including diet, exercise, and follow-up support.

Discuss Insurance Coverage and Financing Options

Many health insurance companies are recognizing the benefits of weight loss surgery and treating obesity as a serious health concern. However, it’s crucial to review your coverage before scheduling surgery to avoid unexpected medical bills.

We’ll assist you in understanding the costs involved and explore different payment options. We’ll also determine the criteria for insurance coverage and whether your plan includes the recommended weight loss surgery. If not, we’ll discuss alternative payment methods.

Schedule a Date for the Surgery

When you’re ready for surgery, we’ll schedule your bariatric procedure. In the weeks leading up to it, you may need to take steps such as iron supplements or other vitamins if you have deficiencies.

These preparations help get your body ready for surgery and for life afterward. Post-surgery, you’ll be under 23-hour observation to monitor for complications. Once you meet discharge criteria, including walking independently and swallowing liquids, you can go home.

For the first 14 days, you’ll follow a strict liquid diet to help your body adjust while providing necessary nutrients. You’ll notice feeling full sooner and less frequent hunger pangs. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled 5 to 10 days after surgery. Avoid strenuous activities and monitor the surgical sites for redness, swelling, or discharge.

Learn About Continuing Support

During your initial consultation and before surgery, we’ll discuss how to achieve your weight-loss goals post-procedure. This includes dietary and hydration guidelines for the days, weeks, and months after surgery, portion sizes, and when to resume physical activity.

We also offer ongoing support for any questions you may have. We encourage our post-op patients to join the GoFurther Program, which features a virtual nutritionist, dietitian, exercise routines, recipes, and goal management. Additionally, we host a monthly support group via Zoom.

Choosing bariatric surgery is a significant, often life-saving decision. It involves both physical and emotional healing, and we’re here to support you. Many patients experience improvements in type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and other obesity-related conditions.

After consulting with your primary care physician to ensure surgery is right for you, check out our online seminar to learn more. When you’re ready or if you have questions, contact the New York Minimally Invasive Surgery care team to schedule your initial consultation. We look forward to being part of your weight-loss journey.

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