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Lap Band

Lap Band Quick Facts

  • Adjustable.

  • Minimally invasive surgical procedure.

  • Sometimes covered by insurance.

  • Removable.

What is a Lap Band?

An adjustable band is placed around the upper stomach, creating a small pouch connected to a port under the skin. The surgeon adjusts the band by inflating or deflating it with saline, which narrows the stomach outlet.

This helps limit food intake, slows digestion, and makes patients feel full sooner. The lap band surgery is reversible and can be removed. It is usually recommended for obese patients needing to lose 75 to 100 pounds, based on individual health needs and goals.

More Important Information to Know

The lap band has existed in various forms for decades, with the FDA approving the latest versions in 2001. Currently, two bands are available in the US: the LAP-BAND and the REALIZE band, both effective for weight loss with minor functional differences. Generic versions are known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric bands (LAGB).

Most patients lose about 50% to 55% of their excess weight within five years. Ongoing follow-up care with the bariatric team at New York Minimally Invasive Surgery is essential for success, especially during the first two years, as adjustments may be needed.

Potential complications include infection, bleeding, band slippage, and tubing issues, with rare cases requiring reoperation.

A Popular Choice

Thousands of patients have chosen lap band surgery, making it a popular option for weight-loss procedures. This minimally invasive surgery is highly successful and typically takes only a few hours, often requiring no long hospital stay. Patients generally recover quickly and start losing weight shortly after the procedure.


Adjustable lap bands are customized for each patient, requiring regular office visits for adjustments based on progress. Many patients need several adjustments in the first year, ensuring the band is optimally sized. Once set, most experience reduced hunger for hours after meals.

Many Advantages

The Lap Band in NYC offers several advantages, including multiple weight loss options, a minimally invasive procedure, and less scarring. Patients benefit from a fast recovery time without the need to reroute the small intestines, while the procedure carries low risks and minimal side effects.

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