Revisional bariatric surgery, or bariatric revision, is performed to improve the outcomes of previous weight loss surgery. While most patients successfully lose weight and resolve issues like high blood pressure and sleep apnea, some may not achieve these results. In such cases, Dr. Kurian may recommend revisional surgery due to weight regain or complications like ulcers and acid reflux.
Revisions of Previous Surgery
Revisions Quick Facts
Counteract weight regain.
Minimally invasive surgical or endoscopic procedures.
Sometimes covered by insurance.
Dr. Kurian has extensive experience in revisions and reoperation.
What is Revisional Bariatric Surgery?
The New York Minimally Invasive Surgery Difference
At NYMIS, many patients come to Dr. Kurian seeking help after undergoing weight-loss surgery at other clinics. “I see patients from across the country,” she explains. “My goal is to work with each individual to find the best solution for their specific challenges.”
Revisional bariatric surgery in New York is designed to address weight regain and is often recommended for patients experiencing discomfort, such as heartburn or ulcers. This procedure can be performed using minimally invasive or endoscopic techniques and may be covered by insurance.
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